
Canterbury Interfaith Society AGM & Sacred Sound

August 29, 2019 @ 7:00pmCanterbury Interfaith Society

This year Canterbury Interfaith Society are very excited to host their first evening of sacred sound to coincide with their AGM.  All are very warmly invited to come along.  It will be held on Thursday the 29th of August with our AGM starting at 7pm followed our evening of sacred sound at 7:30pm to 830pm.  We will finish with a cup of tea aiming to finish by 9pm  All are very welcome to attend both the AGM and the evening of sacred sound.

Most faith traditions use sound to some degree in order to approach the sacred, examples may include chant, song, ringing of bells or other percussion as well as any form of instrumental music to aid in setting a prayerful or meditative setting.  The possibilities are limitless. Canterbury Interfaith Society thought it would be really interesting to have an evening where we each get to think of some sort of sacred sound which is important to us in our faith tradition and have the opportunity to present it to a wider group.

They will have a laptop and data projector available if people would rather play a prerecorded item rather than perform live in front of others.

The event will be held at Hohepa Hall, 23 Barrington Street, park on Barrington street and walk up the Hohepa driveway. The hall is the large building on the right in the car park, entrance is via the left of the building. Follow the signs.

More information from secretary@canterburyinterfaith.org.nz.

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