
Interfaith Prayers for World Peace

October 11, 2020 @ 2:00pmCanterbury Interfaith Society

Come along for our annual ‘prayer for world peace’ event where representatives of a wide range of faiths from around Canterbury offer prayers for peace on behalf of their own faith tradition. Usually this annual event occurs at the Peace Bell in the Botanic Gardens, but this year we will gather instead at Aldersgate (309 Durham Street North). All are welcome who would like to meet in person. It will be a great chance to meet, pray together and socialise over some light refreshments. In addition, the indoor venue will make it easier us to record a video of the prayers for peace for wider distribution, including those who are not able to meet in person.

All are welcome, but registration is requested at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/prayer-for-world-peace-tickets-122025949901. This will ensure that numbers can be limited based on the order of registration, should further COVID restrictions come back into force.

This is also part of the international week of prayer for world peace (11-18 October). The Week Of Prayer For World Peace was founded in 1974 as a Christian initiative. However it soon became an inter-faith activity , and now welcomes everyone, of all faith traditions or none, to take part. The late Dr. Edward Carpenter, former Dean of Westminister, eastablished the guiding principle of the Week in the words “The peace of the world must be prayed for by the faiths of the world”, and is still the basis of the initiative today.


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