Resurrection Stories

My reflection today has developed from the lectionary reading of Luke 24:36-48 and several books I have been reading recently. “The Meaning of Jesus” is a kind of dialogue between the conservative theologian NT Wright and the progressive theologian Marcus Borg. “The Trouble with Resurrection” is an account of how followers of Jesus shifted their … Continued

Saving Jesus: Resurrection in the New Normal

Easter Day, today, is traditionally regarded as the most important day in the liturgical life of the church. Is Easter about the transformation of Jesus’ corpse, the most spectacular miracle ever? Did God literally raise Jesus from the dead in physical bodily form? Is the Easter story to be treated as a parable of the … Continued

Can These Bones Live?

In churches (physical and virtual) all over the world, preachers are hauling Lazarus out of his well-worn tomb. So, let me deconstructed what some believe is a miracle, so that the story could be of some use to us as we journey through Lent in the 21st century. Lazarus has been lying in his tomb for four … Continued

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