Our banners

At the opening ceremony for the new Aldersgate building in February 2020, representatives of other faiths were invited to participate in the celebration and also to gift a banner or other item representing their faith. These banners are on display in the church. From left to right: 1. Banner presented by representatives of the Hindu … Continued

Braided Te Awa Whiria – Exploring spiritual wellbeing together

In kicking off a day-long hui hosted by Aldersgate, Braided: Te Awa Whiria Conversation on Spirituality, Deirdre Carroll (Ngāi Tahu from Ngāi Tūāhiriri Marae) asked, while we know where to go to get a sticking plaster, do we know where to go to replenish the unseen spiritual element within us? Dr Lucy D’Aeth (Canterbury District Health Board … Continued

Beyond the cute animals: the edgier side of St Francis

Many churches have recently celebrated the Feast of St Francis of Assisi (around the 4th October). Born in the 12thcentury, we probably know he is the Catholic Church’s patron saint of animals (and the environment). In fact, St Francis Sunday is a popular day in many churches for pets to be blessed. But beyond the cute, … Continued

Jesus, Salvation & Other Religions

Different religions: they can’t all be true? Or can you be a Methodist Buddhist? WARNING: The linked post by Roger Wolsey contains theology that may require you to engage your brain. I don’t think religious tolerance is good enough anymore. Certainly we need to move past intolerance and prejudice. In later life, my father embarrassedly … Continued

One church doing our bit for religious diversity

A colleague from the local council asked our Minister, Philo Kinera, to put something in writing about Durham Street Methodists and how we saw our role in promoting inter-faith understanding, this is what we offered as the beginning of an explanation. When terrorism hit our little city, on this small country on the edge of … Continued

Reimagining Spirituality for Today

Durham Street Methodists are behind an adventurous national Spiritual Well-being Project, that aims to help foster an environment where spirituality can flourish across the secular-religious continuum, and promote spiritual wellbeing. The origins can be traced back to the ecumenical 1988 Women’s Spirituality Conference at Rangi Ruru in Christchurch . Thirty years on, 50 women from around Aotearoa … Continued

Be part of Interfaith Understanding & Action

In April 2019 our minister, Philo Kinera, wrote the following Letter to the Editor of “The Press”. Philo brings her personal experience of coming from a consciously multi-faith society – Singapore – and has strong pastoral connections with local refugee and migrant communities. Keep an eye out for more opportunities for increased inter-faith understanding and … Continued

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Durham Street Methodist Church - Central City Church Christchurch
Website by The New Black