We survived our first Virtual Sunday – meeting as church in the age of the virus. About 26 people over 19 connections meet together and encouraged each other. Only one person was brave enough to come in their pyjamas. Nobody was injured, and we didn’t break the internet. In fact, some people said it was the most connected they had ever felt in an video meeting.
We (attempted) to sing – don’t under-estimate the disruptive power of a short audio feedback delay! Even ‘Happy Birthday’ suffered. We listened to a great song. We shared how we were coping, family news, and what else was happening for us. We listened to a video Reflection (you can also read the transcript here), and discussed in small groups what that meant for us in our current circumstances. Finally we shared a blessing with each other and were encouraged to literally let light a light shine on Sunday evenings during the Lockdown.
And we’ll be back again next Sunday at 10:00am connecting up and supporting each other again. Click on this link if you’d like to know more about our intentions for Virtual Sundays and email us at aldersgate@aldersgate.org.nz for the instructions on how to join us.
I see my sister, Valerie Marshall. Hi, Val! I am home in Asheville, North Carolina with my husband Arthur and big cat Roman. My church, Weaverville UMC is closed up till May 15 earliest. For now all groups, even the little ones in Sunday School, are meeting online. Great to see you all in November and again today virtually.