Today we received notice that the Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa has suspended all church services – this includes ours at Durham Street.
This is not only in consideration of the risks of those attending, but also to reduce as much as possible any further spread of the virus to others in the community. We do this as demonstration of our care for others, not just out of need to protect ourselves. Thank you for your understanding.
Keep an eye out for further up-dates here and on www.aldersgate.org.nz We are currently working out how best to stay in touch with everyone, we hope to be able to organise web-casting of worship and electronic social gatherings. In the meantime, our Sunday Reflections are available on-line, and if you have any pastoral concerns please do not hesitate to contact our minister, Philo in the first instance. Here is a special message from her.

And here is an interesting essay from Dame Anne Salmond (Distinguished Professor of Māori Studies and Anthropology, University of Auckland), providing a social justice lens on our responses to the pandemic.