160th Anniversary Celebrations

The first Durham Street Methodist Church was completed in 1864 and this year the congregation celebrates 160 years of worship and service. Former members, ministers and friends of the church are warmly invited to participate in the celebration, which will take place over Labour Weekend, 26-27 October 2024. Events include: Saturday 26 October 6.30pm Celebration … Continued

Matariki 2024

Celebrate Matariki with us! There will be a special Matariki-themed Friday Games Night on 28 June at 7.30pm. Delicious desserts will be on offer in addition to the usual snacks! We will also continue the celebration at our Sunday Gathering, 10:00am Sunday 30 June, followed by a special shared lunch together. Matariki is a time … Continued

Celebrate Pride with us

The congregation of Durham Street Methodist Church are proud to be supporting and participating in the 2024 Pride Celebrations! We invite you to join us in any or all of the following events: Thursday 14th March 5.15pm, Cashel Mall (starting at the Colombo Street end). Join our contingent at the Walk for Support to demonstrate … Continued

South Island School of Theology

The first South Island school of theology, Kete Aroha o Waipounamu – Theology on the Edge took place at Aldersgate Centre from 28-30 January. Keynote speakers and topics were: Dr Peter Lineham – Christianity on the margins: discipleship in a new age Rev Tara Tautari – Rekindling the vā of Papatūānuku Dr Kathleen Rushton RSM … Continued

Combined January Services

It was great to join up again with the Christchurch West, North and South congregations for five combined Sunday services during late December and January. The services were led by different worship leaders each week. Thanks to everyone who led and attended the services!

Christmas gifts for Youth Housing

The beautiful Aldersgate Christmas display this year has been kindly provided by the team from Youth Housing, part of the Christchurch Methodist Mission who share the building with the Durham Street congregation. The Christmas origami on the pinboard behind the display was made by the children of the congregation. During Advent, you are invited to … Continued

Remembering the Saints of Durham Street

On the closest Sunday to 1st November, All Saints Day (traditionally called All Hallows Day, which is why the previous day is All Hallows Eve, or Hallowe’en), we celebrated the ‘saints’ of Durham Street. Members of the congregation were asked to bring in photos of ‘saints’ who had been an important influence for good in … Continued

Election Forums

Should churches get involved in politics? We think they certainly have a role to play in helping people to be informed and to debate the issues prior to casting their vote, and in giving a voice to the disadvantaged. The Aldersgate Centre has recently hosted a Tax Fairness Election Forum organised by EcuAction, a multi-faith … Continued

Rekindle the Vā of Papatūānuku

During September and October, our church took inspiration from the national Methodist Church’s decade long focus on climate justice, Rekindle the Vā of Papatūānuku. Vā is a term used by many Pacific cultures to denote space between, or relationship with, and Papatūānuku is te reo for Earth mother. The emphasis of our Durham Street Festival … Continued

Our New Rainbow Bench

Last Sunday we welcomed Craig Watson from Diverse Church NZ who not only gave an inspiring reflection on Radical Hospitality, he also unveiled our new rainbow bench. This beautiful bench has been gifted to Durham Street Methodist Church in recognition of our contribution to hosting the Awaken Conference in March. It will be a permanent … Continued

An Adult Baptism

On April 23rd, Rev Philo Kinera was privileged to welcome Kenny into the church through baptism. In a moving ceremony, Kenny was supported by his partner and a close friend and by members of the congregation. The picture shows our beautiful stone font, and a shell from Kenny’s home country which was used to perform … Continued

Celebrating Bill Wallace

On 16th April we celebrated the life and hymns of William (Bill) Wallace who had recently turned 90, and he unveiled a new plaque for the sculpture ‘Ways of the Way’ that he gifted to the church when the new Aldersgate Centre was completed in 2019.  Bill has had an amazing life of prolific hymn-writing, … Continued

Earthquake Memorial Chair

Christchurch’s popular earthquake memorial artwork by Peter Majendie,185 Empty White Chairs, was dismantled last weekend and the chairs distributed around the city. Christchurch residents were given the chance to take a chair home to put in their garden, and Durham Street Methodist church now has one of the chairs in the Huritau Garden, in memory … Continued

Awaken – Maranga Mai Conference 2023

The 2023 Awaken – Maranga Mai conference brought three days of colour, fun, workshops, worship and great kai to Aldersgate Centre last weekend! Huge thanks to all the volunteers who made the conference such a success.

Pride Week and Awaken Conference

The Durham Street congregation is very excited to be hosting the annual Awaken – Maranga Mai Conference for queer people of faith at Aldersgate Centre as part of Pride Week Otautahi 2023.  It will be the first time this conference has been held in South Island and we look forward to meeting participants from across … Continued

Our banners

At the opening ceremony for the new Aldersgate building in February 2020, representatives of other faiths were invited to participate in the celebration and also to gift a banner or other item representing their faith. These banners are on display in the church. From left to right: 1. Banner presented by representatives of the Hindu … Continued

Parish Barbecue Lunch

Join us after church on Sunday 26th February for an informal BBQ in the Huritau Garden. Good kai, good conversation, good connections. We will be hosting members of the Sunday morning AA group to help build connections. There is no charge but please register with David by email (davidp@otiake.nz) before Wednesday with number of people … Continued

Combined January Services

Many thanks to the Christchurch West, North and South congregations for joining with us for four combined Sunday services in January. It was great to see so many people of all ages coming together and to hear different worship leaders. The photos below are from three of the services.

Farewell Rob Ferguson

Members of the Durham Street congregation were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Rev. Rob Ferguson on 8th December 2022. Rob came out of his second ‘retirement’ in 2016 to be our church’s first StreeTs minister and spent over two years wandering the streets of Christchurch, bringing a church presence to the city … Continued

Ben’s new story and website

Ben Nowland-Foreman has done it again, producing a new story for Christmas 2022. Written and illustrated by Ben, this year’s story is called The Lucky Magic Talking Train, and is about a boy who thinks that the more toys he has, the happier he will be… until something happens to change his mind. Printed copies are available … Continued

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Durham Street Methodist Church - Central City Church Christchurch
Website by The New Black