
Braided – Te Awa Whiria: Conversations about Spiritual Wellbeing

November 28, 2020 @ 9:30am-4:00pmSpirited NZ

Spirituality matters because it’s about people making meaning, purpose and connections. This hui is about continuing the conversations already underway in Ōtautahi and looking towards how we make spiritual health promotion an integral and valued part of our community. Sponsored jointly with Spirited NZ. Entry Koha only. Bookings essential.

The Aim of this Day…

  • To affirm and grow the recognition of spiritual wellbeing as a key part of human wellbeing, and a necessary part of nurturing our physical and mental health
  • To explore the dimensions of spirituality that exist within 21st Century Ōtautahi Christchurch and in so doing bring people together from all ethnic and faith/spirituality backgrounds and none to discuss spiritual health needs
  • To explore and support initiatives which nurture spiritual health and wellbeing, by forming an inter-sectoral / multi-faith spiritual health promotion steering group, to create a lasting network for these conversations

Who is this for? Anyone who is interested in exploring and growing the rich diversity of conversations about meaning and purpose, spiritual health and wellbeing in the city.

Activity: Spirited Conversations

Contact: Garth or Pauline

Email: theologygroup@aldersgate.org.nz

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