
Pōwhiri and Opening Celebration

February 29, 2020 @ 2:30pm

Manuhiri (visitors) to meet for the pōwhiri in the Huritau Garden (car park side of Aldersgate) by 2:15pm

This is the main event of this special weekend and will be led by Rev Philomeno Kinera, and the guest speaker will be Rev Dr Mary Caygill, in the presence of various special guests, including the President and Vice President of the NZ Methodist Conference, the Mayor, our local member of parliament, and the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern is expected to convey a special greeting. Ceremonial presentation of banners from local Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic and Jewish faith communities.

The Musical Director of the Augmented Choir and Organist is Wallace Woodley. Special thanks to members of the Augmented Choir, especially singers from Cantabile and from Knox Singers; Jean-Luc Pitcaithly, John Bartlett, and Lucy Page-Dalton (Trumpets); Thomas Steele, Crispin Vinnell (Horns); Carol Crowther, Mark Gregory, Scarlett Stott (Trombones); Jonathon Tressler (Timpani); Matthew Croucher, and Hugh Mingard (Pianists).

At the conclusion of the Service, in the Huritau Garden, there will be an unveiling of a Memorial Plaque, remembering the three people killed on the site by the Earthquake of 22 February 2011. Afternoon Tea will follow.

An Opening Celebration Information Sheet on the Opening Weekend’s programme is available. If you haven’t already Registered, you can do so here on-line. Or contact Wallace Woodley on 03 358 4209 or opening@aldersgate.org.nz

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