On 19 September as well as voting inn the government elections, there will be two referendums: a non-binding referendum on Cannabis Legalisation and Control, and a binding referendum on End of Life Choice.
This month the Men’s Group is hosting a conversation, at Warwick Mottram’s home in Prebbleton, on whether to legalise voluntary euthanasia for the with a terminal illness and less than six months left to live, if approved by two doctors. All are welcome to join the conversation, which will be facilitated by public policy expert & author, Dr David Bromell.
Contact: Roger Hamilton, Men’s Group Cordinator, to register your attendance, on 03 942 46129 or rbhamilt@gmail.com
Activity: Men’s Group
Contact: Roger Hamilton rbhamilt@gmail.com
Email: mensgroup@aldersgate.org.nz
Phone: 03 942 4619