A conversation with Dr David Tombs (Otago University) on
Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse
His forthcoming book, When did we see you naked?, identifies the Easter-week stripping of Jesus in the praetorium, and his naked exposure in crucifixion, as forms of sexual violence and abuse. In this discussion we will explore pastoral perspectives on common responses to this acknowledgement.
Background reading:
Katie Edwards and David Tombs, ‘#HimToo – why Jesus should be recognised as a victim of sexual violence’ The Conversation (23 March 2018); https://theconversation.com/himtoo-why-jesus-should-be-recognised-as-a-victim-of-sexual-violence-93677
David Tombs, ‘How Recognising Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse might help shift Catholic culture’, The Conversation (13 March 2019). http://theconversation.com/how-recognising-jesus-as-a-victim-of-sexual-abuse-might-help-shift-catholic-culture-112754
David Tombs, ‘Confronting the Stigma of Naming Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Violence’ in Clive Pearson (ed), Enacting a Public Theology (Stellenbosch: SUNMeDia, 2019), pp. 71-86. https://doi.org/10.18820/9781928314684/07
Coffee from 5:15pm, Start at 5:30pm, on Monday 29 March 2021, at Aldersgate, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central
For those interested, we will be going out for dinner at a nearby café, following the discussion around 7:00pm.
RSVP & enquiries to Pauline 021 289 1225 or theologygroup@aldersgate.org.nz
To fit in with David Tombs availability, this replaces the March Theology Discovery group, which is usually held on the second Wednesday of the month. The April Theology Discovery group will meet again on Wednesday