Solidarity with those in MIQ

With life in Aotearoa New Zealand feeling almost normal again, and bubbles opening up with Aussie and Cook Islands, its easy to forget there are still more than 2,800 people currently in Managed Isolation & Quarantine (MIQ) behind the black mesh fencing, and just under 4,000 expected to arrive in the next 14 days (as of 5 May).  One in seven of these people are in Christchurch MIQ facilities.

It has taken us a while, but we have been able to develop a good relationship with those responsible for the wellbeing of people in the Christchurch MIQ facilities. All new arrivals will receive a postcard from Durham Street Methodists in their welcome pack, letting them know they are not alone – and offering to stay in touch via an electronic copy of our weekly AngelM@il, and the option of a Zoom conversation with Philo or Darryn at any time. Special shout-out to any readers from our city’s MIQ hotels!

We are also looking at ways we can show solidarity and gratitude to the front-line workers in Christchurch MIQ facilities – let us know of any ideas you have.

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