What has Christianity done to Jesus?

Leading Australian progressive theologian, Jesus scholar, and an authority on Christian-Jewish relations, Dr Lorraine Parkinson, led a weekend programme (28-30 October 2016) in Christchurch at the invitation of Durham Stree Methodist and Knox Presbterian churches.

On Friday night, she presented a talk, Contradiction and Confusion in the Church: two gospels in competition, followed by a discussion on some of the same issues, How gospel writers created the Christ: the make-over that changed the world, on Saturday morning. Following a combined Knox/Durham St church service on Sunday morning she led two workshops on Sunday afternoon on: Teachings the Church Forgot, and The Beatitudes as Keys to the Kingdom

Parkinson’s books include: The World According to Jesus: His blueprint for the best possible world; and Made on Earth: How Gospel writers created the Christ.

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