A lunchtime meeting was held on Monday 6 May, at Community and Public Health, to debrief, regroup, and share ideas and support for a future more inclusive Christchurch following the terror attack of 15 March.
“This terrorist sought to tear our nation apart with an evil ideology that has torn the world apart. But instead we have shown that New Zealand is unbreakable and that the world can see in us an example of love and unity. We are brokenhearted, but we are not broken. We are alive. We are together. We are determined to not let anyone divide us…” – Gamal Fouda, Imam of Al Noor Mosque
This was an informal gathering of individuals and groups commited to keeping a sense of love and connectedness strong in Christchurch for the long term. Durham Street Methodists were well-represented among the 25-30 present, by Daniela, Darryn, Garth, Lucy, and Maui. Stay tuned to keep in touch with initiatives as they come on line.
There was support for the many spontaneous events already under way, including the Peace Train Bike Ride on Sunday 26 May. As well, people had interest and energy to bring back and turbo-charging the Blue Couch “It all starts with a smile” campaign, to bring ActionStation’s Tauiwi Tautoko volunteer training programme to Christchurch, to support the Human Rights Commission to give a bigger push on its “Give Nothing to Racism” campaign, and to provide an accessible portal to resources that will encourage greater understanding and connection across ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries.
In the meantime, you can share online here any resources that are inspiring or challenging you to grow – or any initiatives you’re aware of.