
Rise of Bonhoeffer: Ethics & Empire in a Post-Truth Era II

June 10, 2020 @ 5:30pmRegister Here

“We live in a time of crisis upon crisis. The need, or better put the demand, for a new trajectory of faith is clear. Where do we begin? This virtual study group will carry these questions to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a genius of 20th century church, cut short because of his resistance to Nazi Germany and its ecclesial collaborators.” 

“Home Brewed Christianity” are hosting this on-line, pop-up learning community and reading group. It will run over the five Wednesday’s of June+, starting at 9:00am (NZ time) – including presenters from Scotland and the United States. All sessions will also be recorded so you can catch up if you can’t make it live. They are:

  1. Sloppy Agape, Greasy Grace, and the Cost of Missing the Point: Bonhoeffer on Discipleship (Wed, 3 June)
  2. Welcome to the Desert of the Real: Bonhoeffer’s Ethics (Wed, 10 June)
  3. God’s Not Dead, but May As Well Be (Wed, 17 June)
  4. Bonhoeffer in Charlottesville: Bonhoeffer and Political Theology (Wed, 24 June)
  5. The Bonhoeffer Eric Metaxas Never Knew: Bonhoeffer as Rorschach Test (Wed, 1 July)

Registration is required, and its on a pay-what-you-can-afford basis – so that finances shouldn’t be a barrier for anyone. Extracts of readings provided. Click on this link for further information, session outlines, reading selections and registration.

If you are interested in joining with the 4 or 5 already registered from Durham Street, let Garth know at nowland.foreman@gmail.com. Depending on what the Alert Level is at the time, we might even organise a breakfast Watch Party together at Aldersgate.


Activity: Spirited Conversations

Contact: Garth or Pauline

Email: theologygroup@aldersgate.org.nz

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