Kore Hiakai: Zero Hunger Campaign

A solution-focussed workshop is being hosted by Christchurch Methodist Mission to launch Kore Hiakai: Zero Hunger campaign in Christchurch from 9:30am to 3:00pm, Tuesday 12 March, at WesleyCare Chapel, 3 Marbel Wood Drive, Papanui.

Across the country social service agencies, social enterprises, and food industries are giving out more and more food as a response to food poverty and insecurity. As more initiatives emerge to meet this growing issue of hunger within our communities no long term systematic solutions are resolving this. This compassionate charitable response creates a level of dependency on this charitable system. This dependency lies not only with those who receive from it but with our society as a whole as we continue this cycle of food insecurity.

We believe we are a compassionate innovative well connected society. We are capable of thinking outside the box for empowered, community driven, connected solutions. NZ Council of Christian Social Services, who is coordinating this campaign involving many other social services across Aotearoa New Zealand invite us to join with them in seeking long term, sustainable, and mana-enhancing solutions to end food poverty in our nation. The first step is being part of the hui on 12 March. Click here for more info. Register here.

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