Open day inundation

We were surprised and just a little over whelmed with the estimated thousand plus people who came through Aldersgate on Sunday 23 February for our Sneak Peek Tours of the building just ahead of the next weekend’s official Opening Celebrations. We stopped counting at 150 in the first 20 minutes or so, but the crowds kept coming, right till the end of the three hour window. The great coverage of the Aldersgate opening in The Press certainly would have helped promote the Sneak Peek Tours. 

The successful event was coordinated by Darryn Hickling, who was also one of the volunteer guides along with Dale, David, and Warwick. Anita and Emily were kept busy with the afternoon tea and coffee and biscuits. Visitors were welcomed on the organ by Wallace, while Sue was host at the Durham Street entrance, and Garth and Ben were hosts at the car park entrance, and Jeff was an all round helper on the day. 

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