Browse our selection of even more useful links and resources on Faith.
Methodist Church of New Zealand
The official website of the Methodist Church of New Zealand/ Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa, of which we are a part. It includes resources, the church’s mission statement, information on the social services of the church and its work on public issues, as well as its regular publications and much more.
Progressive Christianity
An international website of networking and useful blogs, videos, books and other resources “for an evolving faith”, including links to favourite progressive Christian blogs. It also includes the eight principles behind what it means to call ourselves progressive Christians.
Progressive Christianity Aotearoa
A New Zealand-based website that aims to provide a space for people exploring just living, spirituality and faith with 21st century sensibilities, especially in a South Pacific context.The site offers articles and reflections, prayers and hymns, and a wide list of good books to get you started and take you further into progressive Christianity. They organise a biannual national conference, some other events and also have a Facebook page.
Spirited NZ
A New Zealand-based website that describes itself as ‘progressive spirituality – beyond institutional Christianity’. AS well as offering their own ‘spirited thoughts’ blog, they aim to build n on-line community, a place to post and discuss, and encourage the conversation. They also have a Facebook page.
Common Dreams
An alliance of people in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, which promotes the study, discussion and implementation of progressive Christian and other progressive religious streams of thought and action.
Religious Diversity Centre
A national centre of education and research, which aims to foster an appreciation, understanding and deeper relationships among the religious, spiritual and secular communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. It contains information on workshops and training the Centre provides, its publications and other resources, along with some inter-faith declarations.
Canterbury Interfaith Society
Facebook page for our local Interfaith group.