Ideas, inspiration and information to help those of us aspiring to parent with progressive values in a Christian spirit.

BLOG: 10 Signs You are an UnFundamentalist Christian Parent

Trying to parent as an Unfundamentalist Christian? The term is a mouthful and the meaning a little fuzzy. This blog by Cindy Wang Brandt offers a checklist on what its mean to be, or aspire to be, an Unfundamentalist Christian parent. It also includes a Christian parenting manifesto that helps us guide children into healthy spirituality + the most helpful parenting resources with progressive values.

FACEBOOK GROUP: Raising Children Unfundamentalist 

This Facebook group started as Christian parents who are committed to raising their kids in a faith that isn’t hierarchical, controlling and fundamentalist. The group includes parents who want to see their children desire mercy and not sacrifice, to grow up walking in the ways of Jesus for peace, righteousness, and wholeness. But as the group has grown and evolved, they now want to include everyone, parents and grandparents and non-parents and anyone who loves children, to commit to treating children with justice. They believe that if we change the way we parent, we can change the world.

LINK: Fabulous Progressive Spirituality Children’s Books 

Cindy Wang Brandt is often asked for recommendation on progressive spirituality children’s books. She has pulled together a list of all such books she could find on Amazon. She wishes there were more – but its a great start!

VIDEO: Holy Trouble Makers and Unconventional Saints 

The author, Daneen Akersauthor, reads the Florence Nightingale’s chapter from her new book, “Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints”, an illustrated children’s anthology about people of diverse faiths who have worked for love and justice, even when that rocked the religious boat. You’ll probably be surprised what you learn, even about the very familiar Florence Nightingale. Worth getting the whole book for primary school kids (and their parents).

BLOG: How to Raise a Feminist Son 

This New York Times article by Claire Cain Miller is easy to read but helpful advice, distilled on  interviews with neuroscientists, economists, psychologists, and others, based on the latest data and research on gender.

BLOG: 3 Effective Ways to Raise a Grateful Child 

Gratitude is a superfood for our physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. Lisa McCrohan blogs about three ways to help make it a habit for you and your child, and includes a free printable Gratitude Cube as a bonus!

BOOK: Parenting Forward: How to Raise Children with Justice, Mercy and Kindness 

As one reader says: “This isn’t a book about making sure your children are indoctrinated by progressive beliefs. Yes, Brandt is unabashedly progressive, but this book is about discovering who your child is and walking hand in hand with that child towards God.  This isn’t a Pollyannic vision, however. Brandt fully understands the challenges children face today and argues that the best way to help children in those battles is to equip them to face them head on. Brandt believes children are capable of rising to meet the struggle for justice that is alive and well today.”

BOOK: When Kids Ask Hard Questions 

This handy little book (also available as an e-book) will help you create safe spaces for hard conversations and craft faithful responses on 30 tough topics – contributed from a divers group of young Christian parents and ministers. Topics include: gender, race, bullying, mental illness, death, divorce, money, technology, and generosity. Each chapter includes a handy resource list for further exploration. 


More ideas, inspiration and information on the way…

If you have some favourite progressive parenting links or resources you have found helpful, we’d love to hear and be able to share them.
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